Monday, March 17, 2014


“As we give, we find that ‘sacrifice brings forth the blessings of heaven’. And in the end we learn it was no sacrifice at all.” –Spencer W. Kimball

So I have been thinking a lot about sacrifice lately. And I think it’s crazy how much people are willing to sacrifice in order to accomplish the things they want; how much they are willing to give up for their hopes and dreams.

While thinking about this, I asked myself how much I’d be willing to sacrifice to achieve my hopes and dreams…or if I would be willing…I’m kind of a lazy person sometimes. My original answer, to myself, was that I would just have hopes and dreams where I didn’t have to sacrifice anything that I really loved...but how realistic is that?!

I am going to be a missionary. I have always wanted to be a missionary. But with this comes sacrifice.

I love my job, my friends, my family, and being in the comfort of my home and company of my family.

I am the middle child of seven kids, I love being in a big family and don’t know what I would do without them. I love my family and am extremely close with my mom (when asked what I like to do in my free time I answered with “I love hanging out with my mom”). One of my biggest fears in serving a mission: how on earth will I survive living away from home for 18 months where I will only be able to call my mom twice a year?! Serving a mission means sacrificing time with them.

I do really love my job and finding a job that you truly love is rare--I work at a hair salon as a tech/receptionist--I love the ladies I work with, I get along with them quite well. So, leaving this job and knowing it may not be there when I return is a huge sacrifice.

It’s kind of crazy for me to think that I actually started sacrificing things in High School. Ever since I was young, I knew that I wanted to serve a mission and that’s when I began giving up things for that goal.
I was one of only a few members in my high school which meant that there were many temptations, especially since I was in a group of friends where I was THE only member.

I often felt left out of certain activities or parties where the rest of my friends would be. Let me tell you though, it wasn’t always easy to say no to an invitation to a party where all your friends will be attending and a few times I considered going. I even had a whole game plan on how to be able to go without my parents knowing that there would be drugs or alcohol. But in the end it never felt right and I ended up staying home, and honestly having tons more fun with my family than I would have with my friends at some party.A huge struggle of mine in school was caring WAY too much what others thought of me and often times I worked to impress people who I’ve recently come to realize won’t matter whether I get their approval /acceptance or not.

This Gospel has helped me know that I truly am a Daughter of a King and that I should act as such. That I should act with confidence and integrity, being an example not only through my words but also through my actions. Showing my friends and family that I know who I am and what I stand for and I cannot be swayed. This Gospel has brought so much happiness and countless blessings to me and my family (immediate and extended) and I am so grateful for that!

But why do I want to sacrifice 18 months of my life to serving the Lord? Well, when I was little, two amazing missionaries taught my mom about the Gospel and for two years worked with her and eventually she was baptized. That’s where it all began, that’s when all the miracles and blessings came flooding to my family! Because two dear Elders (and two became many more) sacrificed two years of their lives and changed mine. And I’ve seen people change in miraculous ways for and because of this Gospel and that’s what I want to do; change lives, bring joy and maybe have an influence on a little girl who will someday want to serve a mission because of my sacrifice and desire to serve the Lord.

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